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I used to think there was a trade-off between life and business.
Either choosing a striving job with long hours and jeopardizing life outside of it, or have strong relationships and time for hobbies, but accept more limited career ambitions.
And it was in the middle of that adversity that I learnt you can have it all
I started reflecting on why I wasn’t happy. Rejection & Adversity are like downslides, with a trampoline at the bottom. If you hit the trampoline just right, it will propel you higher than you’ve ever been.
I’m here to help you. No BS.
You can have a great professional and personal life at the same time. I’ve helped many people achieve the life they want with my high-performance and happiness methodologies.
Or keep scrolling down and find out more about my journey
Who am I?
I’ve been in the tech industry for almost 25 years and I have worked with people from all over the world.

Talks given
Talks given
Companies advised
Companies advised
Companies I've helped grow
Companies I've helped grow
Countries where I've coached people or advised companies
Countries where I've coached people or advised companies

What you see is what you get
No clichés - You will only hear the truth from me, no bs. I have helped companies and individuals see and act on what lies ahead in the world and in their personal lives. I have been trusted by global leaders in their fields.
No illusions - Performance + Happiness is real! I give real life training to individuals, start-ups and corporations. You can also get the life you deserve, without trade-offs or guilt.
No “one size fits all” - Thanks to my multicultural experience of having worked in over 35 countries, and lived in 3 continents, you can get advice that works around the world, specifically adapted to the environments that people are in.
No clichés - You will only hear the truth from me, no bs. I have helped companies and individuals see and act on what lies ahead in the world and in their personal lives. I have been trusted by global leaders in their fields.
No illusions - Performance + Happiness is real! I give real life training to individuals, start-ups and corporations. You can also get the life you deserve, without trade-offs or guilt.
No “one size fits all” - Thanks to my multicultural experience of having worked in over 35 countries, and lived in 3 continents, you can get advice that works around the world, specifically adapted to the environments that people are in.
Featured talk
How Rejection Can Make you Grow: a VC’s personal story - Nuno Goncalves Pedro | PODIM 2019
What is the value of achieving top business performance, if you are miserable outside of it?